Seducing the Photographer (At First Sight) Read online

Page 5

  A sudden thought struck. Would he ever tire of her? The answer remained unknown. For some reason he’d never considered this with any other woman.

  He thrust his tongue unto her mouth and leisurely explored. The hint of spices form the dinner added a fire to the kiss. She leaned over him. Her nipples tightened against his chest. “I want you,” he said.

  “The wanting is mutual.” She brushed his lips, rose and walked to the door.

  “Where are you going?”

  “Not far.” Moments later she returned with a towel. She wrapped it around his cast. “The fiberglass scratches.”

  “Tell me about it. Condoms are in the drawer. Hand me one.”

  “I’ll do the honors.” She rose and slid over his thighs.

  The whisper of silk over his skin almost undid him. “Meg, stop teasing.”

  “Just a bit of foreplay. Haven’t you teased me in the past?”

  He closed his eyes as a realization shook him. He’d used suggestive words to keep her at a distance. They had worked. From the moment they met he had known she presented a danger to his lifestyle. What had changed? The sound of a condom wrapper being torn halted his thoughts.

  She ran her hands over his abdomen. She slowly rolled the condom over his erection. She slid over his and bent to kiss him.

  Steve caressed her back. He slid his hands to her hips and eased the thong down. She pulled free and stripped. When she returned to the bed, straddled his hips and leaned forward for another kiss. Their tongues tangled. She raised her hips and mounted.

  He growled. “Faster.”

  She stopped moving and ran her hands over his chest. He felt as though he hung above a moment of discovery that would alter his life. While keeping him inside she shifted so her legs stretched toward his head. The sight of their joining sent blood rushing from his head.

  Meg cupped her breasts. Her inner muscles tightened around him. His breathing came in quick pants. She shifted again and began to ride.

  Sooner than he wanted, his shout blended with the sounds pouring from her. He kissed her.

  Meg raised her head. “I love you.”

  He put his fingers on her lips. “Don’t say that. Words spoken when passion rules are born of the moment and die too soon.”

  She shook her head. “I mean them. Have for months. The Blakefield curse rules.”

  He frowned. What did she mean? He looked up and saw the words of love reflected in her blue eyes. She loved him. He didn’t know what to say. He desired her. He wanted more time with her than this weekend. But forever. He wasn’t sure he could.

  She slid from him and stood beside the bed. He caught her hand. “Stay. Sleep with me tonight.”

  Chapter Five

  Meg curled against Steve. He held her pressed against his side as if he had no intention of releasing her. For now. She didn’t believe his interest would last. When she returned home tomorrow she might sit in her car and cry but she would never let him know or beg to stay. She stiffened. How could she let him go into the arms of another woman? She must. She’d broken her rules of life. Not only had she enjoyed the best sex of her life she’d confessed her secret. She had loved him since the day they had met.

  She had laughed or turned her confession into a joke. He’d said words spoken in passion weren’t true. Did he fear she’d meant to trap him? When she’d tried to leave he’d asked her to stay. As soon as he slept she planned to creep to the guest room, gather her things and leave. Then she had to figure how to act when she met him at the office.

  He stroked her face. “Don’t go,” he whispered.

  She wanted his heart. He had hers. When she left she would feel empty. A wave of sadness threatened to escape in a rush of tears. In his arms she felt safe and loved. She bit her lip. Believing false emotions only led to pain.

  Light kisses stirred her. The morning sun illuminated the room. Without further thought she turned and her mouth touched Steve’s. His tongue played over her lips. When his erection nudged she realized she’d slept nude. Another rule gone. Pushing all thoughts aside she surrendered to her rising need for this man.

  Playful kissed and nibbles turned to hot open mouths and dueling tongues. She lifted her leg over his. The slide of his erection over her labia made her quiver with desire.

  “Condom,” she whispered.

  “No need to worry. I sheathed myself and waited for you to wake.” He rolled to his back. She reached for the towel to pad his cast. She slid over him. He grasped her hips and urged her to move. He bent his left leg and matched her rhythm. Meg pressed her hands against his shoulders. Pressure built. Her inner muscles tightened and released. Heat rose to become a searing flame.

  “Meg, oh, Meg,” he cried.

  Her back arched. Her low moan turned into a cry. “Steve, I…” He covered her mouth to stop her words. His action didn’t matter. What she felt was real.

  He stroked her face and planted kisses on her cheeks. “Won’t be long before I’m in control.”

  She laughed. “I like being on top.” She nibbled his lips. “What about breakfast?”

  “How about a shower first?”


  “Yeah,” he said.

  She slid from the bed and bent to kiss him. “I’ll fetch your water proofing equipment.”

  In the kitchen before she took the wrap and plastic bag from the cupboard she started coffee. By the time she reached the bathroom Steve had managed to transfer to the chair in the shower. As she wrapped his cast she watched his erection grow.

  “You ready?” she asked.

  “Seems I always am when you’re around. Been like this for months.”

  Had he been attracted to her from the start? Was that the reason for the constant teasing? “Could become uncomfortable.”

  “At times but the solution has arrived. We can react in ways we both enjoy.”

  She kissed him. “But you always seem to rise again.” She handed him the soap and washcloth and turned the water on.

  “Move closer. Let me do the honors.”

  She crouched with her back to him. He used the cloth to wash her back. As she rose he moved the cloth across her rear and stroked her thighs. She turned. Water pelted her back. As he washed her breasts she saw he was ready. So was she.

  Steve stroked her belly. “The blush continues to your feet.”

  Her eyes widened. “My blush turns you on.”

  “Better believe it does. Why else was I saying things to cause you to turn red?”

  She took the cloth from him and washed his chest. He grasped her hips. “Come closer.” She braced her hands on his shoulders. “Lean back a little.” He guided his erection to her threshold. She inched closer and felt the slid of him fill her. “Just right.”

  His growl stirred her to move. He tilted her head. Their lips met. Meg felt a need to move. The kiss deepened. Their climaxes peaked. Steve’s groans united with her cries.

  “Meg, mine,” he whispered.

  “Oh yes.” She rested her head on his shoulder. His words brought a warmth she had to deny. They had been spoken during passion. She drew a deep breath, rose and rinsed. Then she turned the water off. Before she dressed she removed the covering from his cast. Once he was back in the wheelchair she pushed him to the bedroom. “Breakfast. Omelets, cinnamon rolls, ham and coffee.”

  “Sounds great. I’m starved.”

  * * *

  Steve sat at the table in the kitchen and watched Meg. She stood at the stove and poured eggs into the omelet pans he didn’t know he had. Had she heard him claim her as his? He hadn’t meant to speak the words aloud. He needed no commitments in his life.

  A picture leaped into his thoughts. They hadn’t used a condom during their encounter in the shower. That wasn’t like him. What if she became pregnant? He drew a deep breath. He would marry her. He would accept responsibility. He reached for the coffee mug. Why didn’t the possibility of marriage to Meg trouble him?

  She slid a plate in front of
him. “Cheese omelet. Nothing fancy but we won’t starve.”

  “I gather you didn’t train as a chef.”

  She chuckled. “Allie liked the kitchen. I avoided the place. Fashion design was my choice.”

  He tasted a forkful of the omelet. “Not bad.” He took a pain pill with a sip of coffee. The morning’s excesses had produced a new crop of aches.

  Meg brought her plate and the heated cinnamon rills to the table. “I’ll leave this afternoon.”

  “Do you have to go?”

  She swallowed the food she’d eaten. “I’d better. I don’t want to arrive at the office wearing shorts. I hadn’t planned to stay this long. Besides, who wants to fight the morning traffic into the city?”

  “There’s a bus that takes you across the river to the train. That’s the way I travel.”

  “And leave my car here?”

  “You could come back.”

  She leaned her elbows on the table. “We’ve had a great weekend but I think we need time to think about where matters between us are headed.”

  He covered her hand with his. “The weekend isn’t over. Go back this evening.” He drained his mug. “Join me in the bedroom.”

  She started to stand. “Do you need help?”

  “None needed. Finish your breakfast. I’ll manage on my own. Since you’re leaving I’ll have to.” He wheeled away. What was wrong with him? He’d known she would leave. If he invited her to return on Friday, would she? When she reached the bedroom he would ask. He couldn’t think of any reason for her to refuse.

  * * *

  To prolong the time before she joined Steve, Meg cleaned the kitchen. Though she had made a commitment he hadn’t. Oh, he’d whispered words of possession but that hadn’t been what she wanted to hear. She stood at the door to the balcony and finished a mug of coffee. If she was wise she would leave and put this weekend in her memory book.

  Finally she left the kitchen and paused at the door of his bedroom. “Steve.” He didn’t stir. She entered and gathered the clothes they had tossed. She dropped his in the hamper and carried hers to the guestroom. Then she cleaned the bathroom.

  She had to leave. Delaying wouldn’t change the fact this one-sided affair wouldn’t last. She had broken all her rules. She had leaped into his bed. She had told him of her love. All he’d said was he wanted her and the evidence of his desire had been clear. Lust, not love.

  Meg scurried to the guest room, jammed her clothes into the overnight case and the bags of lingerie. Would she ever wear the white sleep shirt without thinking of Steve and sex?

  The doorbell chimed. Meg frowned. Had Steve’s sister come early or had she sent her son? No matter. Meg knew her time here had ended. Though she could stay and make nice conversation she wouldn’t. She needed time to come to grips with the greatest mistake she had ever made.

  When she opened the door she discovered a woman she had no desire to see. “Simone, what are you doing here?”

  “Steve’s sister called and told me about his accident. How is he?” the voluptuous woman asked. “He should have called me. He knows I would do anything for him.”

  “He’s asleep,” Meg said.

  Simone’s dark eyes narrowed. “Have you been here long?”

  Meg shrugged. “Long enough to buy some groceries and do a few other things.”

  “I know your sister has moved downstairs. Why would she call you?”

  “She didn’t. She’s away. Steve’s an employee of the group. We take care of our own.”

  Simone smiled. “I imagine you’ve taken care of most of his needs. Steve’s experienced in knowing what women want.”

  Anger bubbled toward the surface of Meg’s thoughts. “What does that mean?”

  Simone laughed. “Guess you fell for his line. Did he tell you how much he needed you?”

  Meg searched her memories of the past two days. He’d never said those words exactly. That would be begging. Steve had never pleaded. “No.”

  “Your blush gives you away. Looks like you’re leaving. Don’t let me stop you. When I spoke to him yesterday we talked about my arrival this morning. I’m early but I couldn’t wait to see him. I will admit I’m surprised to find you here.”

  “Funny. He never mentioned you. The only woman he spoke about was his sister.” Meg reached for her bags.

  “Knowing what he’s like you never thought there were other women?” Simone brushed past Meg. “You’re a fool. First Ramon betrayed you and now Steve has played you. Though I must admit Steve’s the better lover. I hope you haven’t exhausted him. “I’ve plans for a very physical day.” She paused. “Maybe he has a threesome in mind.”

  “Not with you.” Meg’s hands curled into fists. “He knew I was leaving this morning.” Though she had agreed to stay until evening she had changed her mind. Simone’s smug smile added another layer to Meg’s anger.

  Simone turned. “Doesn’t matter what he told you. Steve’s mine. He always comes back to me.”


  Simone flashed a huge diamond. “I don’t mind sharing but what’s mine stays mine.”

  Meg waited until Simone entered Steve’s bedroom. She lifted her belongings. Though she didn’t believe Steve had rejected her declaration of life because of Simone a niggling doubt remained. Meg heard loud voices from the bedroom but the words were muffled by the door.

  She slipped from the apartment, hurried down and stairs and outside to her car. Just as she shoved the case in the trunk her sister called her name. Meg groaned. She’d hoped to avoid questions. She closed the trunk.

  “What are you doing here?” Allie asked.

  “Picked up Steve at the airport. He has a broken leg and some sewn gashes on his right arm. I did the family thing and offered to help. Since his significant other arrived I can go home.”

  Allie grasped Meg’s arm. “How what? First I’ve heard he has one. Who?”


  “From Beauty Spot. You’re kidding.”

  “She flashed a ring.”

  “Not from Steve,” Allie said. “She probably bought it for herself. She’s a piranha. That’s what he says.”

  Megan opened the sedan door. ‘Doesn’t really matter.”

  “Liar. What did he do?”

  “Nothing special.”

  “You’ve been hurt.”

  “I’ll get over it. Had an interesting time at Peek-A-Boo.”

  “What did you buy?”

  “Too much. Tell you on Monday.” When packing she’dcrammed everything together. She wasn’t going to let Allie see the things she’d worn. Meg closed the door and started the car. “See you.”

  Until she reached her apartment she would contain the tears burning her eyes. When she cut loose she wasn’t sure if they would be caused by disappointment or anger.

  * * *

  Steve stared at the woman he’d had a brief sexual affair with. “What are you doing here? I told you there’s no reason for your presence.”

  “You didn’t mean that.” She moved closer to the bed. “You’re mine and it’s time you settled down.”

  “Not with you.” His hands clenched. Oh for the ability to get out of bed and drag her to the door.

  “Your sister sees things differently. She feels we’re a perfect match.”

  He growled. “She doesn’t make my choices.” He cursed himself for ever being involved with Simone.

  She sat on the bed beside him. “Oh don’t deny you were interested in what we had. I let you leave the magazine so we could continue our affair.”

  “Let? I quit because I wanted to be as far from you as possible.”

  “You’re wrong. You knew the owners didn’t approve of inter-office romances unless the people were married. We were becoming very close.”

  “Like hell we were.”

  She inched her hand along his thigh and touched his groin. “I won’t accept the weak excuse you gave for not calling me.”

  Steve pushed her hand away. “You do
n’t get it. You don’t have what I want. You never will.”

  She rose. “Do you think banging Meg Blakefield will get you anywhere?”

  “Leave her out of this. Get out.” Steve swung his legs over the mattress and hit her with the cast. “I never promised you anything. Never will.”

  “Have your eyes on the Blakefield fortune? Think again. Meg’s gone. I told her about us. She stormed off.”

  Steve sucked in a breath. He’d never hit a woman but he was coming close. He coughed. Her strong perfume made him ill. “Just because I’m wearing a cast doesn’t mean I’m helpless. Get out.”

  She walked to the door. “Don’t expect to see your sister. I cancelled our plans and told her I would see to your comfort. If you want to be alone, be my guest.” She left the room.

  Chapter Six

  Steve counted to ten and then ten again. When he reached a hundred his hands unclenched. The apartment door slammed. He reached for his cell and connected to his sister’s number. “Call me immediately. It’s about Simone.”

  Moments later he heard her ring. “What did Simone tell you?”

  “That you wanted her to come and spend a few days.”

  “She lied. I don’t care if she’s your friend. We are not and never will be a couple. Do you understand?”

  “But you’re so perfect for each other.”

  “Your opinion or hers?”

  The pause lasted at least a minute. “She was always telling me how perfect you two were. You even quit as staff photographer of her magazine so you could date.”

  “Another lie. We were together for a month. Then she wanted control. Wasn’t going to happen.”

  “Sorry. I’ll stop by this evening. Do you need anything?”


  “How long will you be in the cast?”

  “The doctor in Nome said three more weeks at least. I should see a doctor here. Any ideas?”

  “I know several. I’ll see who has an opening for a day when I can drive you.”

  “Good enough.” The doorbell rang. “Someone’s at the door. Talk to you later.” He wheeled the chair to the foyer. If Simone had returned he just might run her down.