A Marriage Takes Two Read online

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  “Chad, I know you’re in there. Get out here, now.”

  “Told Ben I would be home for lunch.”

  “Did you forget what’s happening today?” Tony gingerly climbed the steps to the porch.

  “Don’t want you to do it.”

  “Running and hiding won’t change my mind.” Tony regretted the rough edge to his voice. He regretted the lack of time for Chad to come to terms with the marriage.

  “It’s not fair.”

  Tony gritted his teeth. These days nothing seemed fair to Chad. “Just give her a chance. You might be surprised.”


  “Chad, please. Carrie’s my friend. She needs my help. Don’t you think people should help their friends?” Tony edged across the broken boards of the porch.


  “Then why don’t you want me to help Carrie?”

  Chad emerged from the house. “What about m...Mom? What if Mr. Brinker doesn’t want to keep her? Where would...would she go? He don’t like me. It could happen to her, too.”

  “That wouldn’t be my fault, or yours either.”

  “But if you’re married, you wouldn’t want to help... her.”

  “Who told you that?”

  Chad shrugged. “I just know.”

  “Look, if your mother needs help, I’ll be there. Carrie, too.” He led Chad from the porch to the path. “Trust me on this.”

  “I wish I…”

  “I wish you weren’t so upset. Your mother’s happy about her marriage. Now I’m getting married. It’s a second chance for me, and for you.”

  “If you don’t like her, will you send her away?”

  Tony sucked in a breath. “I like her. So will you.” He rested his hand on his son’s shoulder. “You’ll see.”


  “Let’s move it. We’re going to be late. Had to call Uncle Jerry to pick up the flowers and the ring.”

  “I won’t like her.”

  “Your choice. She can teach you a lot of things.”

  “Hah! She’s a girl.”

  “So she is, but she was the best place kicker in the neighborhood and captain of the girls’ softball team in high school.” He broke into a half-run. “Race you to the house.”

  * * *

  Carrie stood in front of the full-length mirror and tried to smile. In half an hour, she would be Mrs. Tony Flynn. The dark smudges beneath her eyes had been concealed with make-up. The bodice of the gown clung to her breasts and the full skirt swirled around her ankles. White silk roses gathered sheer fabric to reveal the creamy underskirt. Several friends from the hospital had arrived to help her celebrate the most important day of her life.

  Elephants danced in her stomach. Doubts fluttered in her thoughts like the wings of hooded falcons.

  The doorbell rang. She headed out of the room.

  “I’ll get it,” Mary said.

  Carrie looked at her mother’s aide. “Just tell me who it is.”

  A moment later, Mary returned. “Your grandfather’s lawyer and his wife.”

  Carrie swallowed. She’d notified Mr. Hurcutt about the wedding, but she hadn’t expected him to attend. What if he had guessed the nature of the marriage and refused to release the money?

  She uncoiled her fingers and forced her lips into a smile. At the living room door, she paused and listened to her mother.

  “Of course I’m pleased. Even though he’s four years older, when they were children, where you found one, you found the other. I’m glad they’ve finally come to their senses.”

  Carrie let out her held breath. Thanks, Mom, she thought. She crossed the room and shook the lawyer’s hand. “Mr. Hurcutt, I’m so glad you came.”

  The courtly man pressed her hand. “Your grandfather would be pleased with this marriage. He wanted happiness for you. You are a beautiful bride.” He reached for the hand of the woman at his side. “My wife, Sarah.”

  “Pleased to meet you, Mrs. Hurcutt,” Carrie said.

  The doorbell rang again. Betty pushed Carrie from the room. “Get on with you. What if it’s him? He can’t see you yet.”

  “Then wait until I escape.”

  Instead of Tony, his brother entered the foyer. He grinned. “Carrie, you look great. Glad Tony finally saw the light.” He dropped several boxes on the table. “The flowers. Seems he’s running late.” He took the infant from his wife.

  “Sue.” Carrie grasped her high school friend’s hands. “You look wonderful.”

  “Starvation and hard work.” The blonde smiled. “I’m so happy for you. Remember all the schemes we invented to get Tony to see you as someone other than a pal?”

  “And what disasters they were.” Carrie peered at the baby. “Definitely a Flynn.” For a moment, she wondered if any children she and Tony had would inherit the Flynn dark hair and blue eyes. Of course, there wouldn’t be any children unless she found a way to seduce him. She reached to close the door.

  “Hold it.” Father John hurried up the walk. “Thought I’d be late. Had a client in crisis.” He took Carrie’s hands. “You make me wish I wasn’t a priest. Where’s the groom?”

  “Running late,” Jerry said.

  Father John frowned. “He’ll be here.” He put his arm around Carrie. “Are you all right?”



  “Easy for you to say.” The living room clock chimed twice. “Maybe he’s changed his mind.”

  “I doubt that,” Father John said.

  “If he did, he’ll hear from me,” Jerry said. “This wedding has been a long time coming.”

  Carrie wished she could believe them. She opened the boxes on the table and took out the corsage for her mother. “Mom, Tony sent this for you.”

  Her mother glanced from the flowers to the clock. Her mouth formed a thin line. “He’s late.”

  “I know. He called Jerry.”

  “He should have called you.”

  Carrie pinned the flowers to her mother’s dress and fled before another word could be said. Grace, her friend and bridesmaid, followed her.

  Grace picked up the veil. “Don’t worry. I’m sure there’s a good reason he’s late. Remember, he’s a doctor.”

  “I guess there could be,” Carrie said.

  Five minutes passed. Then ten. Carrie thought she was going to be sick. Had he decided not to marry her? Had he been in an accident? She was ready to announce the end of the farce when the doorbell rang.

  Grace peered into the hall. “Is he tall, dark and gorgeous?”

  Unable to speak, Carrie nodded.

  “Does he look like his brother?”

  Again, Carrie nodded.

  “Then he’s here and I’m envious. Are there any more like him around?”

  “No.” Carrie smiled. He was here, and they were going to be married.

  A short time later, she followed her friend down the hall and into the living room. Father John stood at the fireplace with Tony and Jerry. An assortment of guests sat on the couch and on folding chairs. Her mother blew a kiss. Hazel waved and Chad scowled. Tony turned and Carrie’s world contracted.

  He had kept his promise.

  When she reached his side, he took her hand. All she heard and saw was him. She knew Father John read the service and she said her vows, but all her being centered on the man she’d always loved.

  “You may kiss the bride.”

  Tony drew her into his arms. His touch raised an incandescent heat that chased her fears and doubts. His lips touched hers and she felt an instant intoxication. His lips were firm and hot. She dropped her bouquet. All too soon, the kiss ended and she had to breathe.

  He stepped away, took her hand and turned to face the guests. “I give you Mrs. Tony Flynn.”

  She swallowed. Had he felt the jolt of desire that had made her knees weak? She glanced at him. He appeared too calm to have felt the connection.

  Tony tore his gaze from Carrie’s face. He felt as though he’d been sho
cked by cardiac paddles at the maximum voltage. The simple nuptial kiss had nearly betrayed him. Had she felt the same shock? He wanted to sweep her into his arms and head for the nearest bedroom. He groaned. She appeared completely unruffled.

  Father John shook his hand. “You’ve made my day. Been a long time coming.”

  Tony turned. He was glad the priest couldn’t read his mind. Yes, he and Carrie were married, but he couldn’t allow his emotions to become tangled with what should have been.

  Jerry swept Carrie into his arms and planted a kiss on her mouth. “Welcome to the family, Sis.”

  As several men Tony didn’t know joined the line and kissed Carrie, Tony scowled, and then forced his lips into a smile. The maid of honor and three other women kissed him.

  “Take care of her...She’s the best...We’ll miss her...Don’t hurt her.”

  He broke from the bevy and walked to Mrs. Graham. He kissed her cheek. “Thank you.”

  “Not me. That child will do what she pleases. Who am I to stop her? I still wish…” She shook her head. “Don’t hurt her.”

  “I won’t.”

  “You already have. I’m sure you don’t know how upset she was when you married that woman. She cried for days.”

  Guilt gathered in his chest. “I didn’t know.”

  Chad tugged on Tony’s sleeve. “When are we going home?”

  “After we eat. Hazel’s in the kitchen putting the cake together.” He pulled his son forward. “Mrs. Graham, this is my son. Chad, Mrs. Graham is Carrie’s mother.”

  Chad stared. “She don’t look like you.”

  “She looks like her father.” She took his hand. “And you look like yours. I have pictures of Carrie, your dad, and your uncle. They’re in a box on the shelf over there.”

  Chad toed the carpet. “Can I see them? Don’t have pictures of my dad. Mom says they got lost when we moved.”

  “Why don’t you take them home and bring them back the next time you visit? After all, I’m sort of your grandmother.”

  “Cool,” Chad said. “I’ve a grandpop in Florida, but Mom don’t like to go see him. Don’t have a grandma.”

  Tony left the pair and moved to Carrie’s side. She turned and smiled.

  “Tony, this is Mr. Hurcutt, my grandfather’s attorney, and his wife. Mr. Hurcutt wants us to make an appointment to meet with him. There are papers we need to sign.”

  He put his arm around Carrie’s waist and immediately wished he hadn’t touched her. Every pulse point in his body throbbed. “It’ll have to be on a Wednesday.”

  “And next month,” Mr. Hurcutt said. “Wouldn’t want to ruin your honeymoon. Then on Friday, Sarah and I will be taking a three week trip.”

  “We’re...” Carrie began.

  “Not sure where we’re going.” Tony dug his fingers into her waist. He hadn’t planned a honeymoon, but the lawyer didn’t need that information.

  “But Chad…”

  “Can stay with Hazel and Ben.”

  Mrs. Hurcutt picked up her purse. “We’ll leave so you can celebrate with your friends. The ceremony was lovely.”

  “Are you sure you won’t stay to eat?” Carrie asked.

  “We’ve another engagement,” Mr. Hurcutt said.

  Once the couple left, Carrie turned to Tony. “We don’t need a honeymoon.”

  “And we’re not having one. Think.”

  “Oh, you’re right.”

  “Carrie, Tony,” Jerry called. “Time for a toast to the newlyweds.”

  Tony steered Carrie through the arch into the dining room. Jerry handed them flutes of champagne. “To Carrie and Tony. This was a long awaited event with a detour along the way. May they have many happy years together.”

  May they get through the next month; Tony thought and touched the glass to his lips.

  “Is something wrong with the champagne?” Carrie asked. “I thought this was a good brand.”

  “It is. I haven’t had any for eight years.”

  “Oh,” she said.

  He grinned. “Besides why waste the calories when there’s killer chocolate cake and all this food?”

  “The cake’s too pretty to cut.”

  “Would you deny a starving man?”


  He studied her enigmatic expression. Was he missing some bit of information?

  * * *

  Carrie huddled against the passenger’s door. She had let Tony drive her car and she felt edgy. Not that he was a bad driver, but Jezebel had been her first purchase after college graduation. She knew every idiosyncrasy. She had lavished care on the car. She trusted Tony. She just wasn’t used to being a passenger.

  She glanced at him. Why had he sent Chad home with Hazel and Ben? The boy’s chatter would have kept at bay the silence that rode as a passenger.

  Would Chad have talked? Except with her mother, the boy had been silent and sullen.

  Another glance at Tony showed tension on his face. Was he regretting the marriage? Should she ask?

  She shifted her position. Being alone with him had stirred fantasies, but a wedding night wasn’t part of their agreement. Still, the kiss had held a promise she wished he’d meant. She closed her eyes. The obstacles to finding a place in his heart had grown from mole hills into steep mountains. He didn’t like to touch her. Every time they touched, he tensed. He thought of her as a little sister. That’s what he had told his son. He still loved his ex-wife. She heard the hurt in his voice when he mentioned Marilyn’s name. Three strikes and she was out.

  Her guts felt as though they’d tangled on themselves. The food she’d eaten to cover her nervousness was trapped in the coils. She glanced toward the rear seat where the cake holder holding the top layer of Hazel’s creation had been placed. The cake that was to be saved for their first anniversary. The one she would never see.

  Tony switched on the radio. She buried her face in the bouquet and inhaled the scent of violets and miniature roses. “Mom was surprised and pleased by the flowers.”

  “I’m sorry there wasn’t time to arrange a more formal wedding.”

  “Ours was just right.” Why would he have wanted an elaborate farce?

  “I thought all women wanted to show the world how lucky they were when they landed a man.”

  “Not me. Mom wouldn’t have come if she would need to be wheeled into a church.”

  “She and Chad hit it off. He’s the reason we were late. He’s going to give you trouble.”

  “I expect he’ll try. He’s one angry child.”

  “And there’s more hurt in store when he learns Marilyn and her new husband don’t even want him to visit them, not to mention live with them.”

  “Does he know?”

  “I’m not sure.”

  “You’d better tell him.”

  He groaned. “I’m waiting until she returns so we can tell him together.”

  Not a smart move, she thought, but it wasn’t her place to interfere. “I guess we’ll handle this one day at a time.”

  “Yeah. So what will you do tomorrow while I’m at the clinic?”

  “Call the movers, arrange for delivery of my furniture and figure where to put it.”

  “You can have the room next to the guest room. It’s empty.”

  “Mind if I paint?”

  “Feel free. It’s your house now.”

  For how long?

  After Tony pulled into the driveway behind his sport utility, she carried the cake container and the bag of food Mary had packed to the kitchen. Tony left her suitcases at the foot of the stairs and followed her.

  He pulled a note from the coffee-maker. “Hazel’s taken Chad to her house for the night.”

  She swallowed. She hadn’t planned on a night alone with him. From the look on his face, neither had he. She opened the cake holder and slid the contents into a box. Then she tackled the bag of food.

  “At least you won’t have to eat my cooking,” she said.

  “You don’t cook?”

nbsp; “I’m a mistress of the microwave. I only promised to make decent coffee.”

  “So you did. Want to go out for dinner?”

  She shook her head. “Thought I would unpack and look at that empty room. Do you want to go somewhere?”

  “Not really.”

  Their gazes meshed. Carrie knew she didn’t want to do any of the things she’d mentioned. She wanted to savor his embrace, to feel his lips on her skin, to surrender to him. Tension built until she wanted to scream.

  He doesn’t love me. Doing the things she craved wasn’t a good idea. They’d opted for friendship, not to become lovers who could part with no regrets.

  Before she made a move predestined for failure, she bolted from the kitchen. She grabbed her suitcases and went upstairs.

  * * *

  The voice of the announcer signing off the late news woke Tony. He turned off the television. So much for changing the terms of the marriage. He’d been willing to try, or at least make a case, for a marriage with more than friends co-existing, but she’d hidden upstairs and he’d fallen asleep. Exhaustion or avoidance? He wasn’t sure.

  Earlier, he’d heard her moving around, heard doors open and close. He’d thought about joining her, but he hadn’t wanted to risk rejection. She wanted a marriage in name only. Besides, he’d already failed as a husband and he wasn’t doing a sterling job as a father.

  He climbed the stairs and paused outside the guest room. Was she asleep? What would she do if he opened the door? He shook his head and recalled the times he’d tried to talk to Marilyn about their failing marriage. She hadn’t been willing to listen. Would Carrie be any different? He turned away.

  This was his wedding night. His bride was in bed, the guest room bed. Could he discover a way to change her mind about the relationship? She had so much to give, friendship, laughter, love. How could he ask for her love when his was buried beneath the rubble of guilt?

  He would grit his teeth. He would spend hours immersed in cold water. He would spend extra hours at the clinic. Maybe he’d come to grips with the things he had, and hadn’t. done in the past.

  Then he would kiss her.

  He lay on his king-sized bed and thought about the ceremony. She had looked beautiful, a man’s dream bride in a dress that shimmered when she moved, a dress that had been angelic and seductive. He had to put the past to rest and make this marriage real. If not, he would go slowly insane.