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The Leo-Aquarius Connection Page 16
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Page 16
Though she tried to hold them back, tears began. She didn’t want to lose Caleb and she didn’t want to relocate. Perhaps her friends could help but during the years since she’d graduated from Grantley, she’d had only herself to make decisions and to solve problems.
When the door opened, and Jon arrived, her tears had dried. She brought in the wheelchair and turned off the lift. “How was practice?”
“Good.” Jon and the walker headed to the kitchen. “I wish Caleb had been there to see me come in second in a race with the older boys.”
She drew a shuddering breath. How could she tell him Caleb would no longer be part of their lives? She couldn’t do that tonight. Her nerves were too raw and tears too close to the surface. She didn’t want to drown Jon in a bout of weeping.
The doorbell rang. When she entered, Caleb strolled in. He reached for her and she stepped back.
“What’s wrong?” he asked.
“I’ll tell you when Jon’s settled. He’s in the kitchen.” She drew a calming breath. “He wants to tell you about practice.” He frowned and walked away. Her body sagged. What she had to say would be like slicing her heart open, but Jon’s stability was important.
Before long, Jon headed to bed. Suzanna made a mug of mocha for herself and carried it to the dining room.
Caleb followed. “Tell me what’s wrong.”
“I had a visitor this evening. Your mother threatened to spread the story of Jon’s father and find a way to force me from my position at the hospital. She will desist if I refuse to see you.” She looked up. “I don’t want to leave Eastlake.”
“She’s sick.”
“I agree but I believe her.”
“This evening, I told her I would never marry Regina.”
Suzanna stared at her hands. “Oh, she gave me permission to be your mistress after you were married to the woman of her choice.”
“Damn her. I am not marrying Regina.”
“Not even so you can dilute your children’s bad blood?”
The fury in his eyes frightened her. He rose. “I’ll straighten her out.”
“I don’t think you can.”
He touched her hand. “I love you.”
She bit her lower lip. “Love doesn’t matter.”
“Do you love me?”
“Yes but I won’t give up the life I’m building for myself and my brother. I’ve worked hard and intend to remain. You need to leave. Please.”
Caleb placed his hands on her shoulder. “Won’t you fight for us?”
Tears ran down her face. “I can’t.”
When she heard the door close, she ran upstairs. She’d heard the words from Caleb she’d wanted to hear. Too late. Too late. She collapsed on the bed and cried until exhaustion pulled her into sleep.
* * *
Caleb sat outside Suzanna’s house with the engine running. He banged his fists on the steering wheel. Fury raged. The urge to confront his mother became unbearable. He couldn’t. His mother was dead.
A sliver of calmness decreased the intensity of his rage. He put the car in gear and drove toward the apartment. The weight on his shoulders shifted to his chest. Was he having a heart attack?
Why had Mrs. Winstone gone to Suzanna and made threats? He clenched his teeth so hard his jaw ached. Did the woman he’d called mother all his life resent his presence? His birth wasn’t his fault. She had agreed to raise him. Had she legally adopted him? His birth certificate listed her as his mother. How had the switch been accomplished? He drew a deep breath and pulled a U-turn. He headed for the stone mansion. Time to finish this.
He knew what he had to do. He’d ruined Suzanna’s peace once before. He wasn’t about to ruin her life. First, he had to deal with Mrs. Winstone. She had trespassed once too often in his affairs.
He sped into the driveway, sending bits of gravel flying. He screeched to a halt. At the front door, he used his key. His brother and his sister-in-law were in the entertainment room.
“Caleb, what are you doing here?” his brother asked.
“I need to speak to Mrs. Winstone, Senior and to the rest of you.”
His brother straightened. “Why to Mother?”
“She’s not my mother.”
Caleb’s hands formed fists. “You heard me. Father wanted a spare and she refused. He had me with some unknown woman. What your mother did years ago isn’t why I’m here.” The sound of others entering the room made Caleb draw a breath. “Mrs. Winstone went to the woman I love and respect and threatened to drive her out of town.”
“Margaret!” his father bellowed. “I told you to leave Caleb alone.”
Caleb laughed. “She insists I marry Regina to dilute the bad blood I’ll pass along to my children.” He saw the pained look on his sister-in-law’s face, but he didn’t care. “She’s a fool if she thinks I would tie myself to a promiscuous slut, not to mention a drunk and a killer.”
Caleb’s father glared at his wife. “You said Jim would make Caleb his heir and that poor Regina had an accident.”
“That was true,” Caleb said. “Regina was under arrest and handcuffed to her hospital bed because she killed three people.”
Mrs. Winstone’s mouth formed a thin line. “Jim told me why the accident occurred. Regina was hurt because she caught Caleb with that woman.”
“At church,” Caleb said.
“Well, the police were in error. She’s not going to jail. But she did say this. If Caleb doesn’t marry her, she’ll kill herself.”
“The choice is hers,” Caleb spat.
Warren clasped Nancy’s hand. “Mother, there are things I know about Regina. We dated in high school. For a time, I was serious. Then she started drinking. When she’d had enough, she wanted sex and if I wasn’t there, she took on any available male.”
“But Jim has no heir and he needs one. Why can’t Caleb be the one?”
Caleb glared. “You’ll never give up, will you? Won’t matter. I’m leaving Eastlake as soon as I can arrange matters. Mrs. Winstone, you’ve won. I’ll be gone from your life. Suzanna will have the chance to have the life she deserves.”
“What do you mean?”
“You heard me. Suzanna loves her job. She’s near her friends from Grantley College. Her brother is recovering, will be a member of the high school swim team and has friends. She doesn’t need me or my family ruining her life because a vindictive woman’s plans are ruined.” He strode to the door. “I’m leaving town.”
“Caleb,” his father called. “Don’t do this. Margaret will cease her mechanizations.”
Warren gave him a thumbs up. “Do what you must.”
Caleb slammed the door. His insides churned. Tomorrow he would talk to Joe and then to Jon.
* * *
The next morning as Suzanna dressed for the hospital, she glanced in the mirror. The evidence of last night’s tears could be seen but she couldn’t call in sick. A mug of mocha and a few bites of toast were all she could forced own. She dreaded seeing Caleb, but she would remain professional.
That evening after dinner, she and Jon picked up Brian and Chuck for the drive to the Community Center. Brian’s mother would bring them home. After dropping the boys off, she drove home, checked Jon’s school work and finished the educational proposal, printing three copies, one for Jenessa, one for Eric and one to be sent to the state.
At a little before nine, Jon returned home. His scowl made her wonder what was wrong. “Trouble at practice?’
He shook his head. “Practice was good. We’re almost ready for our first meet. Caleb came. He brought me home. Hope you don’t mind. He said you wouldn’t have to worry about harassment any longer. He’s leaving Eastlake. He refused to come in. I thought you were friends.”
“We are.” How could she tell her brother about the threats Mrs. Winstone had made? She refused to give up her brother’s returning health and his raising spirits.
“Then why does he want to leave us?”
It’s complicated.”
He glared. “That’s what he said. I know he really likes you. Is this your fault?”
She shook her head. No words would come to tell him about love vanquished by threats. He didn’t need to know what Mrs. Winstone would do if she continued to see Caleb.
“Did I upset him by becoming a member of the swim team, so I didn’t need lessons with him?”
“Never that. He was happy you’re on the team. He…I’m not sure how to explain his pride in what you’ve accomplished.”
“Then why?”
“His mother wants him to do something he doesn’t want to do.” She drew a deep breath. “Do you remember what happened when I received the scholarship and I said I was going to Grantley?”
His eyes widened. “Mom cried, and Dad hit you.”
She nodded. “What did I do?”
“You left the next morning.” His eyes filled with tears. “You left me. He’s going to leave me, too.”
She pulled him into a hug. “I came back.”
“Do you think he will?”
“We can hope.” She moved away. Would Caleb ever return?
“Could you ask him? Even if it’s just to see me during a meet?”
Dare she go to see him without triggering Mrs. Winstone’s threats? She wasn’t sure she could risk her brother’s recovery to deal with spite and lies.
Jon rose. “I’m really tired. The coach worked us hard. Then Caleb came…”
She clasped his hand. Tears shimmered in his eyes. “I’ll find a way to help you.”
“You fought for me after the accident and made the doctors at that hospital transfer me to City where they knew what to do. Can’t you do the same for him? He said he doesn’t really want to leave but he has to rather than hurt someone he loved. He’s the older brother I wish I’d had.”
Her desire to cry mirrored his. If Caleb was leaving town, she had to let him know how important he was to them. “And if it means we have to leave Eastlake?”
“Would you go?”
His question demanded an answer. “Yes.”
“Then go and see him.” He pushed his walker into his room.
She reached for her jacket. “See you later.”
“With good news. Tell him we could go with him. There are other jobs and other swim teams.”
“I will.” She closed the front door. As she drove the SUV, a silent debate rose. She was doing what his mother warned her against. Thoughts of leaving a place and a job she loved hurt but without Caleb would she be happy here? Did he have a support system like she did? She glanced in the rearview mirror searching for a follower. Did it matter if anyone saw her?
Instead of parking in a visitor’s spot at the apartment complex, she pulled into the staff lot at the hospital and crossed the street. She rode the elevator to his floor. At the door, she drew a deep breath and rang the bell.
Caleb answered. “Suzanna, what are you doing here?”
She slipped inside. “I had to come.”
He gathered her into his arms and held her close. Their mouths met in a fiery kiss. She gazed into his blue eyes. “Don’t leave Eastlake.”
"Mrs. Winstone will be angry.”
“Let her be upset. We have friends who have influence. They’ll fight for us. I love you and you love me. If you leave, I’ll go with you.”
He reached to unfasten her jacket. “I decided to leave town, so you could have the life you enjoy so much. You and Jon.”
“I know.”
He dropped her jacket on the floor. “I’ve loved you since the day I first saw you. I didn’t understand that love goes with marriage. I do now.” His lips caressed hers and he pulled her flush against him.
She stared into his eyes. “So we’ll stay and slay the dragon.”
“No matter what happens, we’ll win.” He reached into his pocket. “Will you wear this? I’ve carried it for weeks.” He slipped the amethyst ring on her finger. “Let’s marry as soon as we can arrange the ceremony.”
She brushed her lips over his. “I’ll set my friends to make plans. We’ll have to make a splash.”
He laughed. “Will we invite Mrs. Winstone?”
She grinned. “Of course. What would people think if we didn’t?”
He lifted her into his arms and spun her around. “Tomorrow evening, dinner at the Pirate’s Cove. We’ll dine and dance and show everyone we’re a couple.”
“I would like that.” She circled his neck with her arms.
He backed her toward the hall. As they moved toward the bedroom, he undressed her. “Now we’ll seal the deal.”
“Sounds like a plan.” She slid her hands under his sweater.
The End.
Opposites In Love – The Series
If you enjoyed the Leo- Aquarius Connection learn more about the six members of the Grantley Gang as they find love with their Astrological opposites.
The Aries-Libra Connection finds Aries Jenessa charging with sword in hand to fight the hospital Board president’s attempt to force the nurses to strike. She joins with Libra Eric who weight both sides before he joins the fight.
The Taurus-Scorpio Connection finds Taurus Lauren who states her mother was a nanny and her father a bank. Her inherited money means little to her but a lot to Scorpio Alex whose dead wife came from money and deserted him and their young son.
The Gemini-Sagittarius brings Gemini Liz and her twin sons back to Eastlake. Widowed and wanting to see the young boys away from city gangs and throws them into the company of Sagittarius Jeff who often puts his foot in his mouth.
The Cancer-Capricorn Connection brings Cancer Cate back to Eastlake with her young daughter. She wants her daughter to know her friends. The arrival of Capricorn Rick to a battle since he’s the father of her child and didn’t know this until he reaches town.
The Leo-Aquarius Connection finds Aquarius Suzanna finding a new job and a place for her orphaned brother’s rehab after an auto accident. She has no desire for marriage but Leo Caleb realizes he’d hurt her and wants to change the past.
In a few months, look for the Pisces-Virgo Connection where Pisces Megan flees the deaths of several patients and crashes into the life and arms of Virgo Dave. Images of past events in their lives must be overcome.
Books We Love Books by Janet Lane Walters
Visit Janet Lane Walters’ BWl author page for purchase links
The Leo – Aquarius Connection (Opposites in Love Book 5)
The Cancer – Capricorn Connection (Opposites in Love Book 4)
The Gemini – Sagittarius Connection (Opposites in Love Book 3)
The Taurus – Scorpio Connection (Opposites in Love Book 2)
The Aries – Libra Connection (Opposites in Love Book 1)
Seducing The Nurse
Discovering the Jewels’ Secret
Confronting the Wizards
Search for the White Jewel
Murder and Herbal Tea
Murder and Bitter Tea
Murder and Tainted Tea
Murder and Poisonous Tea
Murder and Mint Tea
Whispers From Yesteryear
Past Betrayals, Past loves
Seducing A Pair of Blakefield Friends
Seducing the Blakefield Sisters: Double Feature
Seducing the Blakefield Brothers
Seducing The Baker (At First Sight Book 6)
Seducing The Attorney (At First Sight Book 5)
Seducing The Doctor (At First Sight Book 4)
Seducing the Innkeeper (At First Sight Book 3)
Seducing the Photographer (At First Sight Book 2)
Seducing the Chef (At First Sight Book 1)
A Marriage Takes Two
Sanctuary’s Ending (The Goddess of Solunda Book 1)
Dragons of Fyre (Island of Fyre Book 2)
Wizards of Fyre (Island of Fyre Book 3)
Temple of Fyre (Island of Fyre)
Pursuing Doctor West
Bast’s Warrior (An Alter
nate Egypt Book 1)
Horu’s Chosen (An Alternate Egypt Book 2)
Toth’s Priest (An Alternate Egypt Book 3)
Amber Chronicles
Shattered Dreams (Moonchild)
Rekindled Dreams (Moonchild)
Melodic Dreams (Moonchild)
Divided Dreams (Moonchild)
A Double Opposition
Moon Summoned
Lines of Fire (The Guild House - Defenders Hall)
Code Blue
The Doctor’s Dilemma
Heart Throb
Books We Love Special Edition - Janet Lane-Walters
Young Adult books By J L Walters
Escape (Affinities Book 1 - Young Adult Fantasy)
Havens (Affinities Book 2 - Young Adult fantasy, Books We Love)
Searches (Affinities Book 3 - Young Adult Fantasy, Books We Love)
Confrontations (Affinities)
Janet Lane Walters was born in Wilkensburg, Pennsylvania on July 17, 1936, reported to be the hottest day of the summer. She has been a published author since 1968 beginning with short stories and moving into novels when an editor told her a short story sounded like a synopsis for a novel. In the 1970s and 1980s she published four sweet nurse romance novels. Then she returned to school to earn a BS in Nursing and a BA in English. Returning to work as a nurse to help put four children through college, she put her writing career on hold. In 1993 she retired from nursing and began writing again. A new nurse romance followed in print. Then she discovered electronic publishing and since 1998 has been electronically published.
Janet calls herself an eclectic writer since she moves from genre to genre. There are mysteries featuring Katherine Miller, a former nurse who seems to stumble over bodies wherever she goes. Using her interest in Astrology, she has several series that use Astrology as a premise for the stories. Once she earned enough money to travel to Ireland by casting charts for people. She has many books in the romance genre, some of them are contemporary and nurse romance, and others fall into the fantasy or paranormal forms of romance. Interested in reincarnation, she has used this as a jumping point for at least two novels. Two of her novels deal with alternate worlds using a love affair with Ancient Egypt.