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The Leo-Aquarius Connection Page 14
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Page 14
“I could.”
“Good. This has bee a great day. Chuck and Brian spent the afternoon here. I’m going to a sleepover at Chuck’s house on New Year’s Eve. Isn’t hat great?”
“And is your sister going, too?”
“No. I bet she’ll spend the evening with her friends.” Jon gasped. “Maybe she’ll be alone. Guess I’ll stay at home.”
“Don’t.” If he had his way, she would be with him. He drew a deep breath. Could he spend the evening with her without drawing her into his problems? They couldn’t go to some place like the Pirate’s Cove. Too public. Bishop might be there. Having her becoming part of a scene wouldn’t be fair. “Look, Jon, I’ll make sure she’s not alone.”
“Thanks. See you tomorrow.” The boy hung up.
Caleb stared at the wall. Dare he ask her to spend the evening with him? He’d been trying so hard to act like just a friend when he wanted more.
The phone chimed. He checked the number. A sigh of relief escaped when he saw the hospital’s number. He answered.
"Dr. Winstone, Susie Grimes has been admitted. She’s experiencing respiratory difficulty.”
“I’ll be right there.” He grabbed his jacket and exited the apartment. He crossed the street to the hospital. As he entered the ED, Alex Carter stopped him. “Just take a moment. If you don’t have plans, would you come to Jenessa’s and Eric’s between seven and eight on New Year’s Eve? You remember where it is?”
“I do. Are you sure?”
“One of them will email or call you tomorrow. I wanted to have the party at my house, but they have a great view of the fireworks at their house and it’s a housewarming. Any idea what Jon Rollins is doing?”
“He has a sleepover party.”
“Good to know. Suzanna always considers him first. We’ll ask her to join the Gang. See you.” Alex waved and walked away.
Caleb continued to the ED. “Susie Grimes?” he asked the receptionist.
“Third cubicle. The doctor and nurse are with her.” The woman tapped her pen on the desk. “Her mother insisted the child be admitted.”
Caleb frowned. Was there some reason not health related going on? As he approached the cubicle, Mrs. Grimes accosted him. “You must admit her. This attack has been the worst.”
Caleb halted. “I haven’t examined her. One question. Has she been around wool lately? You know how allergic she is.”
“I’ve been very careful, and I did warn her sitter. The woman seemed to understand. She was fine when I left to go work but this evening, the problem started so I brought her here.”
“I’ll talk to you later.” He entered the cubicle and listened to the report. He examined Susie and still heard some labored breathing. The rash over her chest and arms had faded. “Did the Benadryl have an effect?”
The nurse nodded. “Her breathing became less gasping and the rash lessened.”
“Can I see her clothes?”
The nurse frowned. “Her mother wanted to take them home, but I refused since we didn’t know if the child would remain here.”
Caleb scowled. He opened the plastic bag. “Would you check the label on this sweater?”
“Fifty percent wool,” she said.
“Thought so. She’s extremely allergic and her mother knows.” He reached for the curtain. “I’ll admit her and then take steps to investigate.” He wrote a few orders. “Let Peds know.” Holding the sweater, he looked for Mrs. Grimes.
He found the child’s mother speaking to a man. “Our plans are good. I’m sure Dr. Winstone will admit her.”
Caleb cleared his throat. “Mrs. Grimes, I would like to speak to you.” He dangled the sweater. “I told you no wool.”
“I know, and I’ve been very careful.”
“Then explain this.” He showed her the label.
“Oh, no. I didn’t buy the sweater. My fiancé did. When he showed it to Susie, she wanted to wear the top. I never thought to check the label. Jake knows about the wool.” She looked around, but the man had vanished. “How long will she be in the hospital?”
“I’m not sure.” Caleb looked at the sweater and recalled the scrap of overhead conversation. He decided to leave a request for the social worker to become involved. Had the first incident been an accident or had that been planned as well? How many times had she been admitted for asthma? He knew she had recently changed doctors.
“Let me know when to bring her home.” She walked away.
Caleb considered going after her but decided a complete study needed to be done. He went upstairs with Suz and saw her settled. After alerting the nurse to check carefully when the mother visited, he wrote a consult to the social worker. He jotted his reasons for the request.
This done, he could do nothing else at the moment. He left the hospital for the apartment. After drinking a mug of coffee and eating cookies, he headed to bed.
The next morning when he reached the hospital, the social worker waited for him. “I tried to call Mrs. Grimes,” she said. “There was no answer. I left a message.”
He nodded. “I’ll also try. I really fear the asthma attack was planned to have the child spend a few days here.”
She nodded. “With what you wrote when you asked me to see the child, I believe you’re right. I’ll call Children’s Service to see if they have information. I’ll also keep trying to reach the mother.”
“Thank you.”
She rose and left the station. Caleb stood. Time to make rounds.
Suzanna strode down the hall. "Good morning, I saw Susie is back again.”
“She had another attack.” He went on to explain what had happened. “Social Services has started an investigation.”
“The mother stopped by early this morning. Unfortunately I missed her. I’ll keep my eyes open and alert the staff.”
“I don’t think we’ll see her before New Year’s Day.” He repeated the conversation he’d overheard.
She shook her head. “Some people have a lot of nerve.”
“Sure do.” He winked. “What’s Jon feeding us?”
“Chicken casserole with peas, carrots and potatoes. I left him studying a box of biscuit mix. He’s enjoying the slow cooker. He plans to attempt a recreation of the Hot Doggery Chili tomorrow.”
“Good luck.” Caleb leaned against the desk. “Is he excited about his sleepover party?”
“What are you doing?”
Her cell phone rang. She pilled the phone from her lab coat. “Let me take this. Hey, Jenessa. No…Jon’s spending the night with friends. I’ll think about it.” She disconnected and turned to Caleb. “Where were we?”
“New Year’s Eve.”
“That’s what the call was about. I need to decide if I want to join the Gang.”
“I’ll be going to Jenessa’s and Eric’s. Why don’t we go together?”
“I would like that."
He couldn’t keep from grinning. This just might be the chance he wanted. “See you at dinner.” With tablet in hand he made rounds, jotted notes and orders. He stopped in the doorway of Suzanna’s office. “Could you have the charts of all Susie’s past admissions made available?”
“Will do.”
As he left the hospital for the office, his thoughts turned to the coming holiday. He and Suzanna had a date. Jon would be away. Had the time arrived to make this a romantic evening?
Chapter 11
Suzanna arrived home to find Jon in the kitchen. “How go things?” The look on his face showed something had gone wrong.
“The biscuits won’t work.”
“Let me see if I can help.” She read the directions on the box and followed them. After rolling the dough, she cut and placed the results on the baking sheet. She popped them into the oven. “If these don’t work, there’s always bread.”
“I wanted things to be perfect. I think I mixed them too long.”
She walked to the door. “Fifteen minutes. I’m going upstairs to change.”
br /> “Oh, when Mike was here, he tried me on steps. I managed two.”
“That’s great.” She ran upstairs and changed into jeans and a sweater. When she returned, Jon had just pulled the tray of biscuits from the oven.
He broke one open. “They’re not bad. What else did you do?”
“Other than mixing them with a spoon, nothing. I’ll set the table. You answer the door.”
When Caleb appeared, she handed him a mug of coffee. They sat at the table. Several times, he complimented Jon on the meal.”
“Not the biscuits,” Jon said. “Suzanna made those. I guess using the mixer for them wasn’t a good idea.”
“What I heard from my parents’ cook, they take a light hand.”
When dinner finished, Caleb helped Suzanna clean the kitchen while Jon changed for the swimming lesson. Once they left, Suzanna checked her email and settled to watch a bit of television.
She also leafed through a magazine. She owed Jenessa and Eric a housewarming present and she wondered what to buy. She called Cate to ask her. “I want to buy Jenessa a housewarming gift. I owe both she and Eric for finding a way to keep the nurse manager’s spot open for me.”
“You know Eric’s a gourmet cook and Jenessa’s learning. I remember her looking at this Kitchen Aid mixer. There’s one at the hardware store in town.”
“What more do you know about it?”
“Something about the temperature control. Maybe you can look for it on the store’s website.”
“I hear you’re joining us on New Year’s Eve.”
“I am.”
“Caleb will be there, too. Megan has a date and Clint is hanging with the kids.”
“Sounds like it’ll be fun.”
After she hung up, she searched for Eastlake Hardware. When she saw the price of the machine, she gulped. Perhaps there would be something similar she could buy. The door opened. Jon and Caleb came in.
“I can’t stay,” Caleb said. “A new patient is waiting in the ED. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”
After he left, Jon chattered about the lesson and his friends. Then he grinned. “I’m glad you’re seeing Caleb on New Year’s Eve. Now you need to bring some things from the freezer for me.” He handed her a list.
When she finished bringing up the flank steak and other ingredients from the basement, Jon was ready for bed. “See you tomorrow,” he said.
Suzanna wasn’t far behind. “Oh, Jon, tomorrow I need to hit the grocery store before I come home. Chips and salsa for you to take and our New Year’s Day dinner.”
“Okay. And remember the hot dogs.”
“I will. Good night.
The next afternoon, as soon as she left the hospital, Suzanna headed to the grocery store to purchase the things she needed. She found bratwurst, and sauerkraut before heading to the snack aisle.
As she selected chips and salsa, Caleb waved. She waited for him. In his cart, she saw little more than single serve containers for his coffee machine and bread.
“Planning to live on caffeine?”
He laughed. “That’s a must these days. I can’t wait for Joe’s return.” He pointed to her cart. “And you?”
“Tomorrow’s dinner. Jon’s party and the Gang’s. I still need to find a housewarming gift for Jenessa and Eric.”
“I should do that, too. Any ideas?”
“There’s something they would like but it’s pricey.”
“Why don’t we share the cost?”
For a moment, she hesitated. Would doing that announce they were a couple? Nothing had been said on either part, but they headed in that direction. “Why not?” His smile and the warmth in his eyes filled her with pleasure.
“Good. I’ll check out and meet you at your car.”
“I’ve one more thing to find. Have dinner with us tomorrow, My New Year’s Day special.”
“I would like that.” He clasped her hand.
The touch brought a rush of desire. Heat flooded her body bringing need for him rocketing. He released her hand and pushed his cart toward the check-out line.”
Before long, she paid for her groceries and wheeled her cart to her SUV, Caleb helped load the bags. “Where now?”
“The hardware store.”
He grabbed her hand and they strode toward the store. Inside, she showed him the mixer. “Why?” he asked.
“Evidently Eric and Jenessa like to cook and lusts after this. That’s what Cate said.”
Once they bought the machine, the clerk wrapped the box and they signed a card. Caleb lifted the gift and carried it to his car. “Since we’re going together, I’ll take this.” He handed her the keys. “Open the trunk.” He stowed the box inside. “What time should I arrive?”
“I have to take Jon to his party at seven and then go home and dress. Say seven forty-five. Jenessa said to come between seven and eight. We won’t be too late.”
He brushed a light kiss on her lips. “See you then.”
Suzanna drove home and carried the groceries inside. After putting them away, she sat at the table. Jon filled two bowls with chili. She opened the loaf of bread and tore off a chunk. After buttering the bread, she tasted the chili. “Delicious.”
“I followed the directions in the book.” His eyes twinkled. “It’s almost as good as some from the Hot Doggery.”
“I agree. Sorry I forgot the hot dogs.”
“There will be other times.”
She put her spoon down. “After we eat, you’ll need to pack.”
“Already done except for the snacks. Clean clothes for tomorrow. Sweats to sleep in. A present for Mrs. Price.” He looked up. “I’m glad you’re going with Caleb. I hope he stays as our friend forever.”
So did she. “We’ll see what happens. I’m sure he’ll be around to cheer you at your swim meets.” She finished her meal, loaded the dishwasher and put the snacks in a bag.
At quarter to seven, Jon settled on the chair lift. He held his backpack and the snacks. Suzanna pushed the transport chair and walker to the foot of the steps. Once she’d loaded them in the SUV, Jon was already in his seat. She started the car. Ten minutes later, she parked in the driveway of a sprawling ranch house.
Chuck hurried down the walk. He took the backpack and the snacks. Jon used the walker. She followed with the wheelchair.
“Do we really need the chair?” Jon asked.
“In case you’re tired and it’s easier to get out of this than some chair or couch. You don’t want to fall and break a bone.”
“Are there any left to break?”
“Probably, but don’t.”
Mrs. Price waited at the door. She greeted Suzanna and introduced her husband. “Can you stay for coffee?”
“Not today. I’ve a date in less than an hour and I need to change.” She ruffled Jon’s hair. “Be good and have fun.”
“You, too.”
Suzanna drove home and dashed inside. She filled the tub and sprinkled rose bath salts into the water. When she emerged, she dried and went to the bedroom to dress. The dark green slacks and the silver and green top fit perfectly.
Before she slipped on her silver heels, she checked the room. Neat, orderly and ready for a guest, if she decided to invite Caleb. Desire slammed like a shock from the paddles used during a code. She drew a deep breath. If her thoughts continued along this path, they would never make the party.
She had just reached the foyer when the doorbell rang in competition with the clock. She answered. Caleb closed the door with his foot and drew her into his arms. His tongue traced the seam of her lips. She opened to welcome his questing tongue. Lightning zapped through her body, reawakening the desire she’d felt earlier. Her hands rested on his shoulders. He cupped her rear and pressed her close. His erection throbbed against her body.
Finally, she stepped back. “We have to go.”
“I know.” He winked. “We’ll continue this later. You look fantastic and you taste like sin.”
took her coat from the closet and lifted the tray of cheese and crackers from the marble topped table. They stepped into the chilly night. She locked the door and walked to his car. Before long, they reached Jenessa and Eric’s house. “I’ve never been here. The day they moved in, I helped pack at the apartment and then went to see Jon,
“I have.” He parked on the street and opened the door for her. She carried the appetizer and he brought the gift. “I helped them move from the apartment. It’s a nice house. Reminds me of one I’d like to have some day.”
The two story house was part wood and part siding. “You don’t want one like your parents?”
“Never in a hundred years. I always think of the mansion as a prison.”
They reached the front door and rang the bell. Jenessa opened. “A present?”
“Happy housewarming,” Suzanna said. “We shared the cost.” She set the appetizer on the counter and hung her coat.
Caleb took the tray of appetizers. “Where’s the party?”
“In the basement family room. The only furniture in the living room is the tree and some pillows.” Jenessa caught Suzanna’s hand. “Stay while I open this.” She winked. “Anything you want to say?”
Jenessa tore the paper away from the box. “This is one thing we’ve wanted. Eric will have fun playing with it tomorrow.”
“Just Eric?”
“He’s a phenomenal cook. Maybe he’ll let me have a turn. I’m not going to let him see it until tomorrow. Otherwise, he would be in here playing and forgetting the party. Come down to the party in what will soon be a real family room.”
“Are you?”
Jenessa nodded. “Lauren and Cate are, too.”
“Interesting.” Suzanna followed her friend downstairs.
“You and Caleb are the last to arrive.”
“Had to take Jon to his party, run home and get ready.”
At the foot of the stairs, she saw Caleb at the long picnic table filling a plate. She grabbed a soda and a plate. “Everything looks wonderful.”
“And tastes great, too.” Caleb held a small spinach pie to her lips. “Eric made these. I can understand why he wanted that mixer thing.”