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The Leo-Aquarius Connection Page 11
The Leo-Aquarius Connection Read online
Page 11
Caleb started the car and pulled from the curb. A short time later, he pulled into his spot at the apartment lot. Had she made the right choice? He seemed different from the man she’d known months ago. They rode the elevator to the second floor. He opened the apartment door. “What coffee do you want?” He draped her jacket over a chair.
“Mocha, what else?”
“Extra cream and sugar.”
She laughed. “You’ve got it.”
He left the room and she decided to explore the tree. She studied the ornaments. Most were old. Were they family heirlooms? She walked to the electric fireplace and examined the trophies he’d earned for swimming. No pictures of family members were displayed. She thought about the pictures she had of the children. How would Jon feel if she had them framed?
“I see you’ve found my brag shelf. Someday, Jon will have one of his own.”
He would like that.” She walked to the dark leather couch and sat on the end. “He has had so much responsibility and he’s never succeeded at anything.” She cradled the coffee mug in her hands.
He opened a tin of cookies. “My parents’ cook made them. She used to send me care packages of my favorites.”
“You were fortunate.” During her four years of college, all she’d received from home had been phone calls from her mother complaining of how she should have stayed at home and helped care for the children.
She set her mug on the coffee table. Tears prickled her eyes. “What did you want to talk about?”
“Jon’s afraid you’ll be forced to repay the money your father stole.”
“Not my father.” Suzanna stared at her hands. “Though I used his last name, he never adopted me. That would have stopped the money my mother received for me until I turned eighteen. I’ll let Jon know the matter is settled.”
“A patient’s father, an attorney, mediated a settlement.” The threatened tears cascaded down her cheeks. She hated to talk about her mother and step-father and the accident.
Caleb gathered her into his arms and held her until the tears stopped. She drew a deep breath. Being held by him felt right. His warmth made her feel safe. She looked into his brilliant blue eyes.
She saw desire and more. She should pull back, but his gaze held her captive. He tilted her chin with his fingers. His lips brushed over hers. Her heart thundered so loudly if he spoke she couldn’t hear the words.
The kiss deepened. Like the wings of a butterfly, his tongue flitted over her lips. She opened to him. Her body took fire. All thoughts of resisting the growing need fled her thoughts. Images of his muscular body covering hers rose. Images of him at the pool filled her.
His hands slipped beneath her sweater. The touch of his fingers on her skin sent ribbons of heat to her core. She broke the kiss to gulp a breath.
“Suzanna.” His voice tempted her to reach for what she’d desired months ago. Her emotions churned.
He rose and held out his hands. Though knowing what would come would change them, she accepted.
Just once. She prayed he would accept her reasoning. She needed to feel wanted and loved for a short time.
Inside the bedroom, he drew her into his arms. She felt his erection swell and her body prepared. Slowly, he undressed her. His constant touches and kisses of her exposed skin filled her with need for him. She pulled his sweater over his head and stroked his chest.
Soon, they lay together flesh to flesh. Drugging kisses brought her desire to a head. “Now,” she whispered. "Come to me.”
He sheathed himself and slid into her. An urgency to move strengthened. She met his mouth with hers. He moved. So did she. A burn began as the movement strengthened and became harder and faster. She soared and exploded. He cried her name and collapsed.
“Suzanna, Suzanna.” His whisper of his name brought a hope she dare not believe. He kissed her, rolled away and rose from the bed. As he walked away, she found her clothes and dressed.
* * *
When Caleb returned from the bathroom and saw Suzanna dressing, he wanted to ask her to stay. A burst of joy nearly knocked him to his knees. She was his. The determination in her eyes said she fought the attraction. He had to persuade her. Once she moved beyond the past, he would ask her to marry him.
He pulled on his clothes. Clasping her hand, he drew her into his arms. He kissed her. She pulled away and he let her go.
“I have to leave.”
He nodded. “I know but…”
She put her finger against his lips. “We can’t change what just happened. I’m not sure where we can go from here.” She finished dressing.
“I want…”
She shook her head. “I truly like you, but I can’t trust my feelings. We need to step back for a time.”
He nodded. “What about Jon? Will I still be able to have lessons with him?” He held her jacket for her.
“I won’t deprive him of what brings him fun and healing for his body.”
Caleb drew a deep breath. He wanted to kiss her again. If he did, the remaining sparks would blaze into flames and burn to ashes. He escorted her to his car and pulled from the parking space. At her house, he walked her to the door.
“Good night,” she said.
He brushed her hair with his hand. “I’ll see you at the hospital. Bring Jon to the Community Center on his pool day.”
“I will.”
Though he wanted to spend time with her friends, being in her company would only stiffen her resolve. He returned to the car and drove to the apartment. He hoped she would think of their explosive love-making and stop pushing him away. He loved her, even when he’d asked her to be his mistress. How wrong his father had been. Marrying for anything but love was a lie.
When he reached the apartment, he checked the answering service and there were no calls. He listened to a message from Mrs. Bishop inviting him to dinner. Spending an evening with Regina wasn’t to his taste.
The remainder of his night was spent tossing and turning. Nightmares of his mother forcing him to wed Regina and ones of Suzanna turning away plagued him.
He woke, dressed and headed to the hospital to make rounds. He ran into Jeff, Alex and Rick.
“You’re coming to the house for the dessert party this evening, right?” Rick said.
“I don’t think so.”
Rick shook his head. “We like you and you need friends among your colleagues. Alex said you used to have scores, but most have moved away.”
“I did say that. Think about coming,” Alex said.
Caleb hesitated. “I would like to come but…” How could he explain about Suzanna? “It’s complicated.”
“Life usually is,” Jeff said.
Rick grinned. “Cate and I have been married for three months. Yes, Maddie is mine. I didn’t know until I came here. You can join the men while the women gossip. Think about it.”
“I will. If I do, can I bring something?”
“Dessert,” Alex said.
“Or wine,” Jeff added.
Caleb walked to his car. He wasn’t sure he would go but he could go to the house and raid the wine cellar.
Instead of returning to the apartment, he drove to the nearly deserted mansion. In the fridge, he found a complete Christmas dinner and a note from Martha to enjoy. When he finished, he pulled a platter of Christmas cookies from the freezer. Perfect if he decided to go to Rick’s.
In the basement, he found a box and selected a half dozen bottles of red and white wine. He dropped the box in the front hall and went for the cookies.
The house phone rang. He lifted the receiver. “Hello.”
“I would like to speak to Mr. Winstone, Senior.”
“He’s out of town. Can I take a message?”
“Tell him she’s dead and he has no need to send any more money.”
“Who? What’s this about?” There was no answer. The caller had hung up.
Caleb sank on a chair. What did the message mean? Was his father being black
mailed? He entered his father’s home office and searched for something he didn’t know what to look for. A row of log books stood on the shelves. He found a name listed every month for years, Karen Sleigh, and an amount of money after the entry. Who was she? A mistress? He shook his head. He knew the woman who had been his father’s mistress for at least thirty years.
Should he call his father? What would he say about the message? Would he speak about why he was paying monthly money? The irony struck him. He’d told Rick his life was complicated. With a shrug, he carried his spoils to the car. He would learn nothing until his father returned from Europe.
Just as he arrived at the apartment, his cell vibrated. He set the box on the coffee table and answered. An angry Jim Bishop shouted. “You have much to answer for.”
“What are you walking about?” Caleb asked.
“Last night after church, you upset Regina so much she had an accident. The stupid cops have her handcuffed to the bed in the hospital. She was injured. They’ve charged her with vehicular manslaughter.”
“Was she drunk?”
“The cops said she was. This is your fault.”
“Why blame me?”
“If you had accepted your mother’s plan, Regina would have been happy and kept her drinking under control.”
Caleb drew a deep breath. Didn’t Mr. Bishop understand that for an alcoholic, one drink was never enough? “A marriage between us is impossible.”
“You will marry her. She is expecting and says the child is yours.”
“That is a lie. Look elsewhere for the father of her child.”
The call ended with a bang. Caleb slumped on the couch. Regina might be pregnant, but he wasn’t responsible. A simple blood test after the child was born would prove that. But that was too long to wait.
Now he had three problems. The phone call for his father was the strangest. Though he could call his father, he wasn’t sure his father would say anything over the phone. Caleb wanted to see his father’s face when he told him about the mysterious call.
Caleb closed his eyes. Regina’s accusation was second. How pregnant was she? He wondered how he could learn. Somehow, he would and handle that problem.
Suzanna was the most important of his problems. If he could find a way to prove she could trust him, he would be elated.
He rose and went to the bedroom. There, he wrapped the books he’d bought for Jon and liquid soap and hand lotion for Suzanna. He would like to give her more, but he didn’t have the right. If he decided to avoid Rick’s party, he would deliver the gifts when he picked Jon up for the swimming lesson.
* * *
After a fitful night of dreaming about Caleb and pondering what to do, Suzanna dressed and went down to prepare for the day. She made scrambled eggs with sausage and cheese and zapped cinnamon rolls. Once she and Jon ate, they opened presents.
“The sweater is beautiful and so soft,” she said. “I’ll wear it when we go to Cate’s.”
Jon opened his presents one by one. He pulled a green sweater from a box. “They nearly match. I’ll change, too.” He looked at the stack of books required for his classes. “I’ll use these starting tomorrow. What are you doing now?”
“Making apple turnovers and mac and cheese. You can help by peeling apples.”
“You’re on.” He rose and used the walker to reach the kitchen.
An hour later, the aroma of the turnovers filled the kitchen. Suzanna slid the casserole into the oven.
Jon picked up one of the books she’d bought for herself. The small volume showed recipes for the slow cooker. “This is something I can do. Then dinner will be ready when you come home.”
“Good idea. We’ll need to plan each meal, so I can bring the ingredients from the freezer and the shelves in the basement.
Jon nodded. “I’ll feel good doing something for us.”
“You’ll be able to do a lot of things before long.” She stretched and looked at the clock. “Time to change clothes. Looks like half the flour ended on me.”
Jon pulled himself from the chair and walked ahead of her to his room. Suzanna dashed upstairs for a quick shower and a change of clothes.
She returned to the kitchen, removed the mac and cheese from the oven and packed the casserole in a carrier. She placed the apple turnovers on a round silver plate and covered the baked goods with clear wrap.
Rick, Clint and Maddie appeared at the door. Suzanna waved. “Just finished. Let me organize all I’m taking.” She tossed a key to Rick. “For the chair lift.”
In the foyer. Jon pulled on his jacket. Clint pushed the wheelchair outside and lifted it to the foot of the stairs. Jon rode the lift down and transferred to the chair. Suzanna handed him the large bag of gifts and lifted the container of hot food. Maddie carried the apple tarts.
Jon and Rick sped across the street. Suzanna joined the others. Rick and Clint helped Jon up the steps to the porch. Cate appeared and took the casserole to the dining room.
Before long they gathered around the table for the holiday meal. Jon’s appetite pleased Suzanna. When no one could eat another bite, they cleared the table. Maddie and Jon went to the family room. She gave him the mini stockings for the children. She put the Gang’s gifts in the living room and joined the others.
“Ww invited Caleb,” Rick said.
“He wasn’t sure he would come,” Cate added.
Suzanna released a held breath. Could she face him after last night?
Jon frowned. “I hope he comes. There’s a Christmas present at home for him.” He pulled out his phone. Moments later, Suzanna heard her brother’s part of the call. “If you’re doing nothing, please come.”
She closed her eyes. Did she want to see Caleb? Last night they’d made love. Even thinking about the comfort she’d felt, she wished she could trust him, but the memory of his proposition lingered. When Jon laughed, she wasn’t sure how long she had wandered in thought.
“He says he’ll come for a short time.” Jon turned to Suzanna. “He sounds sad.”
Was he regretting last night and wishing they hadn’t had sex? She had one regret. Lying with him hadn’t changed the past.
When Cate rose, Suzanna carried the tray of apple turnovers to the dining room. Cate added a cake resplendent with swirls of whipped cream, curls of chocolate and cherries.
“What kind of cake is that?”
“Black Forest Cherry,” Cate said. “I found the recipe and decided to make one. An adult only cake since it’s saturated with Kirsch.”
Suzanna sighed. Not for her. Sometimes she wished the thought of alcohol didn’t frighten her. She had vowed never to become like her mother.
Group by group, the Grantley Gang and their families arrived. Caleb was the last of the guests. Suzanna studied him. He appeared troubled. What caused his eyes to darken and his shoulders to slump?
After sharing desserts, the six women went into the living room to exchange gifts. Everyone laughed at the bears wearing scrubs suits of different colors.
“I’ll have to fight Maddie,” Cate said.
Suzanna fingered the bracelet on her wrist. “These are great.”
“Maddie brought them for her friends on their birthdays.” Cate waved the clever note pad.
The other presents were as much fun. A coffee mug, a pen and a hand knit scarf.
Suzanna slipped from the room to check on Jon. He leaned against the arm of the couch and yawned.
“Time to go home?” she asked.
Caleb moved toward them. “I’ll help you.”
Though she wanted to refuse the offer, Jon smiled. “Great.”
Suzanna pulled Cate aside. “Jon’s tired. We’re leaving.”
“I’ll get Rick.”
“Caleb offered, and Jon accepted so we’re good. Don’t worry about the dishes and my gifts. I’ll pick them up tomorrow.”
“Tell Jon that Maddie and Clint will be over with lunch for him and leftovers for your dinner.”
/> “Thanks.” When she reached the foyer, Jon and Caleb were ready. They helped Jon down the steps and into the wheelchair. His progress pleased her. Once they were inside the house, she passed on Cate’s message.
Caleb clasped the boy’s shoulder. “You and your sister have good friends and a great support system.”
The expression in his blue eyes made Suzanna pause. “Is something wrong?”
“Yes and no.”
“Would you like to talk? You listened to me. Talking helped.”
“I’m ready for bed,” Jon called. “Caleb, can you help me?”
Suzanna nodded. “Go ahead and see what he wants.”
After he untangled Jon’s sweats, Caleb walked to the door. Suzanna touched his arm. “Stay for coffee.”
He met her gaze. “That could be dangerous.”
“Or helpful. Haven’t we decided to be friends?”
“We did but I fear last night ruined the chance.”
“Accepting that would be too easy.”
He followed her to the kitchen. While he removed his jacket, she popped a coffee container into the single cup machine and removed one of the apple turnovers from the fridge. “We can share this.”
When his cup had brewed, she made one for herself. “So tell me what troubles you.”
He gripped the mug and told her about the first call. “I checked Dad’s log books and the only thing I saw was a monthly entry for a check to Karen Sleigh. She must be blackmailing him but why?”
“A mistress.”
“As far as I know, he has only had one. She’s been with him for most of my life.”
“Something to do with business? Did he cheat someone?”
“While he worships money, he’s always been honest.”
“Ask him.”
“When he returns.”
“Why not now?”
“Face to face and he’ll tell me the truth. This call may have something to do with what my mother said.” He sipped the coffee. “Then there was a second call.” He told her about Regina’s accident and her accusation. “I swear I’ve never been with her and have only been home for a month.”