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Dragons of Fyre (Island of Fyre Book 2) Page 11

  She hugged him. “In a few days we can return to the tower and have time for ourselves.”

  “Yes, we will.”

  At the end of the week, Drakon realized Azure hadn’t gained any length. *Old One, I think we can measure the dragons for the saddles.*

  *I believe the time is right.*

  Since the dragons only needed to be fed twice a day unless there was a flight, Drakon and Arana moved some of their belongings back to the tower. The first month of winter had passed and the second begun.

  As he settled into his tower chamber he wondered if Arana would come to his room. He missed her company, but she would have to be the one to ask for pleasure. The conditioning had weakened, but enough remained to make him uneasy when he thought of receiving rather than giving. He settled on the bed. How odd, he thought. He missed her presence and also the dragons.

  *Old One, when will Azure and Roja fly?*


  *Are they full grown?*

  *In length and height. They will add some body muscle and wing span. By winter’s end they will be ready to mate. The feeding schedule and Verde’s exercises have allowed them to mature earlier than usual. When Roja lays her eggs and the dragonets hatch the new ones will take longer to mature.*

  Drakon yawned. *Thanks for telling me. Otherwise I would have worried about the next pair.*

  *The change was needed. The evil one has been in control of the dragons of Fyre for too long.*

  Drakon rolled to his side. Was the time of vengeance at hand?

  * * *

  Lagon paced across the tower heights and back to the door. Winter dragged on. Though snow seldom fell at Sea Cliff, cold, bitter rain often filled the days. At times ice glazed the landing field. Waves dashed against the rocks. The dragons huddled in their pens. Even with the speakers primed with berry tea, few flights were taken. From the forced mating flights completed before the rains began, no eggs had been laid. He smashed his fist against the stone. If his plans were to succeed, he needed dragon hides.

  Since the death of the High Peaks blue everything had gone array. The red escaped and her shredded hide had been found in the forest beyond one of the captive towers. Then Arana fled and foiled his plans for an heir of High Peaks get.

  Lagon groaned. His daughter had High Peaks’ blood. Her mother had been the woman he desired. He would never accept the girl as his heir. He needed a son to train in the ways of the lord of Sea Cliff Tower.

  He continued pacing. Misting rain changed into an icy downpour. The morning sky was as dark as night. How much longer would this storm last?

  Anger roiled his gut. Why had Arana fled? Who helped her? Questions and whippings had yielded little information, other than the discovery that a dragon had been hidden in the pens and vanished with her.

  As soon as the rains ended and the fields were planted, he intended to send servants from the four towers to search for Arana and the mysterious dragon.

  The driving rain soaked his clothes. He retreated into the tower and slammed the door. By summer he would have Arana chained to his bed, to remain there until she quickened with his heir.

  Chapter Seven

  As the days of winter drew to an end Arana stood at the open window of her chamber and stared at the white landscape. What was wrong with Drakon? Two months had passed and he hadn’t come to her. She didn’t understand, and she wouldn’t ask him to explain. She’d seen the way he watched her. Was he waiting for a sign she didn’t know how to give? Maybe the attraction was the result being in each other’s company constantly.

  Spring approached. The fear she’d hidden rose to the surface like mud oozing around a hot spring. The blues at Sea Cliff would take wing and the search for her would begin. Lagon would never forget she had escaped and thwarted his plans. Did he suspect she’d found refuge here?

  She glanced at the sky. Verde, Roja, and Azure, frolicked. Gusts of wind-driven snow swirled around them. The dragons at Sea Cliff would never have taken flight in this kind of weather. If Lagon and the other speakers had sent them aloft, growls and hissess would have erupted. Maybe the reason for Roja’s and Azure’s good behavior was Verde, and his role as the controller.

  Red, blue, and green, wove intricate patterns in the air. This was the young dragons’ third flight. She recalled the first attempt and how she’d had to hide her concern that one of the pair would crash.

  *They fly well and strong.* Verde’s voice projected pride. *They listen and fly the patterns I call. When you sit on their backs, they will be safe.*

  *You are an excellent teacher,* Arana said.

  “I believe you are right.*

  *Chase me,* Roja said.

  *Take care,* Verde ordered. *Do not run into Azure.*

  *I see a brown deer near the trees.* Eagerness filled Roja’s voice. *Deer meat tastes good. I remember the pieces we had when we were newly hatched. Verde, Azure, help me. Chase the deer, and I will catch him.*

  *Come back.* Arana stared into the swirling snow seeking a glimpse of the red. She stifled a gasp when she saw how low the dragons dove. She held her breath until Roja appeared. The dragon circled the forecourt. A deer hung from her claws.

  Moments before she landed Roja dropped the deer. *Tell Drakon to cut the meat. Some for all.*

  *I will.*

  *The best part for the Old One.*

  *That is generous. He will thank you.*

  *He is the teacher of us all.* Roja waddled to the cavern entrance. *I go to bathe. Then I will eat.*

  Arana turned from the window. *I’ll come to check your hide to see if the cold and snow have harmed you.* She finished dressing and ran downstairs.

  Drakon and Radlan stood at the cutting table. The deer had been skinned and gutted. Drakon turned. “They had a good flight. I watched through Azure’s eyes. He drove the deer from the trees. Verde coordinated the flight. Roja swooped and the deer was caught. I’m glad she decided to share.”

  *Why would she be selfish.* Verde said. *We worked together.*

  Arana laughed. “Verde would not allow her to claim ownership of the deer.”

  Drakon looked up. “He is the controller.”

  “Roja’s going to the pool. I’m sure Verde and Azure will join her. You know what that means.”

  “An oiling session,” Drakon said. “So we don’t break our fast until we’re done.”

  Arana looked at the food Sofona had placed on the table and carried the bowls to the warming oven on the side of the fireplace. “Roja said the Old One is to have the best portion.”

  Radlan grinned. “Tell the dragons we’re proud of them. The deerskin will make warm boots for you and Drakon to keep your feet warm when you ride the dragons.”

  “The Old One said we could make the first flight by the end of the week,” Drakon said.

  Excitement rose in Arana’s thoughts. She recalled just bits of the flight when she and Verde escaped from Sea Cliff. This time she would be awake and able to see the ground and the sky. The thought both excited and frightened her. “Are the saddles finished?”

  “We’ll fit them tomorrow.” Drakon carried the meat from a quarter of the deer to a barrow. “Azure wants oiled and fed.”

  Arana reached for a second barrow and wheeled the meat to the cavern. She and Drakon returned for the remainder. Once the troughs were filled, she soaked cloths in the oil. While Roja ate Arana checked the dragon’s hide for cracks. As soon as the red finished Arana completed the process of oiling. She groaned.

  “Have a problem?” Drakon asked.

  “Just thinking about tending a second dragon.”

  “We can both do Verde.” He draped an arm over her shoulders and hugged her against his side.

  Arana smiled. Perhaps he would come to her chamber tonight.

  *You do not want to care for me?*

  The plaintive tone of Verde’s voice disturbed her. Did he resent the time she spent with Roja? *Just feeling sorry for myself. Why would you think I could neglect you?*

*You were my speaker first. Now you spend all your time with her.*

  *Not true.*

  *A lot of time.*

  *She is newly hatched and needs me.*

  *She is bigger than I am.*

  Arana drew a deep breath. *You have to share.*

  *The Old One says I must.*

  *Drakon will help me oil you. You will have two people tending to your needs. Sometimes there will be more. Don’t you like Roja?*

  Verde lowered his head. *I do, but I do not have to like sharing, or that you will not sit on my back to fly.*

  *I can understand how you feel. Remember, you are the controller. You can talk to Roja, Azure, the Old One, Drakon, and me. Roja can’t talk to Drakon.”

  *She could if she wanted to. A dragon can talk to any person who has a speaker’s path.*

  *I didn’t know that.*

  *Every day you are learning new things, just like I am.*

  *That’s right.* Arana dipped the cloth in the oil and finished Roja’s tail. She dropped the cloth in a basket and took a new one to use on Verde.

  *I wish you could sit on my back,* Verde said. *We could fly away and find a new place where no one would want to hurt us.*

  Arana took special care of a rough spot on his pelt. *Enough. You were my first friend. You helped me escape from Sea Cliff. I will never forget that.*

  *Yes, I did, and I helped the red so her eggs could hatch into Roja and Azure.* He sighed. *I did not know you would sit on her back and fly.*

  *I didn’t know either. Think of all you’ve learned since you reached High Peaks.*

  *I have learned, and here, I am not alone.* He crouched so she could reach his back.

  *And you will never be alone again.* The Old One’s deep voice broke into the conversation. *As controller of the High Peaks dragons, and in time of those from the other towers until more greens are born, you will be first. You will teach them all I have taught you. Put envy and jealousy aside. You are not a hatchling.*


  *As you age you will gain in wisdom to go with the knowledge.* The Old One headed for his feeding trough where Radlan unloaded a barrow.

  Arana finished oiling one side of Verde. She dropped the rag in the basket.

  *Arana, did you hear there will be more green dragons?*

  *But the evil one must be gone so they can live and mature.*

  *I will go to Sea Cliff and bite him.*

  Drakon laughed. “Did he just threaten to attack Lagon?”

  “He has wanted to do that since the day I was whipped.”

  “We must find a way to end that man’s power over the dragons.” Drakon ran the oiled cloth over Verde’s tail. “If he is dead what will happen to the dragons at Sea Cliff?”

  Arana rose. “He has a daughter. She’s just past nine years of age. A new line of speakers could be established. When she’s old enough, if she can speak, she will be the lady of the tower.”

  “Are there other kin?”

  “I’m not sure. During his takeover, the servants said he killed any near or far kin who had the ability to become speakers. There could be some who can’t tolerate the tea who still live.”

  *Though his daughter is young, surely he’s teaching her the things she needs to know,* the Old One said.

  Arana shrugged. “I had little to do with her, but I do know the dragons at Sea Cliff can hear and speak to her. I’ve also heard how the child reads any record of tower life she can find. He took all the scrolls from every tower.”

  *Why would he take those records?* the Old One asked.

  *I don’t know.*

  “What records?” Drakon asked.

  Arana explained. “That’s all I know.’

  “Why would she want to read them? I imagine they’re dull.”

  “Her father keeps her confined to the tower except for short periods for play outdoors and for meals. Sometimes she escapes from her nurse. Reading may be her escape from boredom.”

  Verde left them and went to his trough. *I listened to her, but I never spoke. She knows a lot about the towers, and even about wizards. I wish I could read.*

  The Old One laughed. *Even if there were records here, you could not read them. Dragons cannot read, but do not fear. You will learn everything I know.*

  *Have the mating flights at Sea Cliff produced eggs?* Arana asked.

  *Just me, and the ones for Roja and Azure. I do not understand how that happened since a special flight pattern is needed.*

  *Those eggs were made possible by me,* the Old One said.

  *How so?* Arana asked.

  *For eggs to form during a mating flight, the controller calls the pattern to be followed. Only a green can direct the dragons in the dance. For the High Peaks pair, I blocked their speaking paths so the other dragons could not hear.*

  *That was risky,” Drakon said.

  *Sometimes chances must be taken. In time, Verde will lead those dragons so green eggs will result.*

  Arana shook her head. *If they are laid any time soon, Lagon will destroy them like he tried to have Verde’s egg broken.*

  *Not this time. He has learned green pelts are highly valued by the wizards.*

  Arana thought about the Old One’s words. Lagon would like to know he had something the wizards wanted. She turned to speak to Drakon and discovered he had left the cavern.

  * * *

  Verde curled beside the Old One. He thought about all he had learned during the months the snows of winter covered the ground. He learned bits and pieces about the past, and of the land across the mountains, once the home of the dragons and not the stronghold of the wizards. Did any dragons still exist or had they been hunted until there were no more?

  With wands carved from the fyrethorn bushes capped by white fyrestones they could send fire against their enemies and perform other feats of magic. One of the wizards discovered how dragon pelts could protect them and enhance their power.

  Gloves and tunics were made from the skins of the reds. Blue hides were used for boots and trousers. With green pelts, they made cloaks that provided the wearer with immunity against spells cast by their rivals. Before long, only a few dragons remained. Aided by a rebellious young wizard, a triad of dragons had crossed the towering peaks and befriended the lady of High Peaks.

  When their supply of dragons dwindled to a few wild ones, the wizards set out to find the escapees. For years that search had been futile. In Sea Cliff, they found lords who craved power. For promises and coins, these lords had sold the pelts of their dragons when they died. Now the number of dragons on this side of the mountain also dwindled. Verde feared he would have to face the evil one to preserve the dragons of Fyre. Verde closed away the stories of long ago. Arana’s voice rose. Verde listened. “When can we fly?”

  “We did a final fitting of the saddles this morning,” Drakon said. “Maybe a short flight tomorrow to accustom them to our weight.”

  *Not fair,* Verde thought. *I rescued her. She is my friend. I want her to fly on my back.*

  The Old One growled. *One cannot always have their wishes fulfilled. Between you and Arana is a bond of love and friendship. You are more than a burden carrier. Roja will bear Arana on her back, but no blue or red can end the evil one’s rule. No red or blue can know the patterns for aiding eggs to form. You are important.*

  *I am?*

  *Listen once more to the duties of a controller.*

  The Old One’s voice droned on and made Verde sleepy. He dozed. When his tail slapped the sand he woke with a start.

  * . . no eggs. You shielded the High Peals red and the blue when I led them in the movements of their mating flight.*

  *How did I do that?*

  *I came into your dreams for many nights and told you how this was done. Your dreams self did what was needed.*

  *There was no one to shield them when my egg was formed. How did that happen?*

  The Old One chuckled. *That night the evil one was in the village tavern. He drank himself into a stupor. I called
the red and the blue. They rose and flew the pattern I sent. They were safely in their pens before the evil one staggered back to the tower.*

  *How clever,* Verde said.

  *You will be the clever one when Roja and Azure rise to mate. At the same time you will call the reds at Sea Cliff to rise. The blues will follow.*

  *How do I do this? I don’t know the patterns.*

  *This is how to summon Roja and Azure.* Verde heard four notes. *Repeat the notes to me. Keep your speaking path narrow so I am the only one who can hear.*

  Verde sent the notes to the Old One until his tones matched the other dragon’s. *Is that all?*

  *For now. Later I will give you the movements for the flight. The red has one and the blue a different one. From this flight will come two eggs for High Peaks Tower.*

  *Who will speak for these dragonets?*

  *Two will be found among Drakon’s far kin.*

  * * *

  Drakon positioned the saddle on Roja’s back. After the first two trial flights he and Radlan had made adjustments and added to the padding against the dragon’s hide. Arana stood at Roja’s head and reached for the straps that crossed the red’s rear legs. She buckled them into the padded leather chest plate. Drakon checked to make sure the saddle was securely wedged between the top two bony ridges of spinal growth.

  Arana came to his side. Roja sank to her belly. Arana climbed the dragon’s leg and settled in the saddle. She fastened the saddle straps to the wide belt around her waist.

  “Are you ready?” Drakon asked.

  “Yes. The next time you must let me saddle Roja. I need to know I can do the job.”

  “Deal.” Moments later he scrambled to his seat on Azure’s back and fastened himself securely.

  *Today we will see how far we can fly without tiring.* Verde led the way from the cavern and across the forecourt. He stepped over the edge and soared.